User Intent: It’s the future of SEO

A recent trend in Search Engine Optimization is that engines have been formulated to work around user needs and their experiences in searching. Google has done a remarkable job in this regard which has been highly satisfying to the readers.
In today’s context, user intent has gained significance in the SEO business. So what exactly is user intent? User intent is the process by which you can improve your online importance by focusing on several relevant psychological aspects to attract your readers and increase traffic to your portals and hence improve upon your business prospects.
So, here’s how you can understand your customers and improve your ranking on Google.
Importance of customer persona
It’s a known fact that online marketers want to know what goes inside the head of their customers. This can be done by methods like A/B testing, analytics etc. Customer persona is one such tool which helps in understanding the psychology of the audience.
The beginning point of customer persona is developing a rapport with people you have done your business with or people who represent your client. You can ask them questions like:-
What did you dislike about the whole process?
What were the services and items you used in the past?
What did you like or dislike about the products?
All these questions should be formulated keeping in mind that they yield results. In other words all the efforts get converted to sales.