Google Rolls Out New features In New AdWords Interface For Testing

Before Black Friday, Google made some exciting new announcements for AdWords advertisers.
AdWords promotion extensions were in the testing phase since last year. Now, the new AdWords interface will have these promotions in text ads as they are being rolled out globally in all supported AdWords languages and currencies. Without any need to create new ads, advertisers can display specific offers in their text ads with these promotion extensions, such as discount offers or any promotional code.
Custom Intent Audiences
With the rollout of custom intent audiences on the Google Display Network, advertisers can now reach people who are interested in purchasing their specific products.
Custom intent audiences have two flavors. In the first type, advertisers can create their own audience. As per the URLs and topics visited by users, advertisers can target those users who might be interested in their products. An automated and machine learning based system is the second type of variation. An audience will be created by Google on the basis of campaign and characteristics of target customers.
In the form of an auto-created audience, Audience Center will have the auto-generated custom intent audience lists for the advertisers. For each of these audiences, reach and performance estimates will be shown.
Ad Variations
Now ad variations will be tested in a new manner in the new AdWords. In a few clicks, ad variations can be tested across thousands of ads. The results of these tests will be shown by Google after they gain statistical significance.
In the new UI, an Ad Variations tab can now be seen along with Campaign Experiments and Campaign Drafts. Displays paths and descriptions can now be tested using these ad variations.