Google Does Not Support Meta News Keywords Tag

Recently it has been discovered that Google is not supporting its meta news keywords tag. And the company is nor supporting it for several months.
This news was not known until a twitter conversation between Joost de Valk of Yoast and John Mueller of Google was exchanged recently. About the meta news keyword tag. After this conversation was rife on the social media and it came to limelight.
Over the concerns of Joost de Valk, Joh replied that they have dropped the support for meta news keyword tag and they will no longer support it.
Now, this move was taken by Google many months ago and this came into focus now so we can imagine how many website owners have used the tag for their news sites.
When asked about this, Google did not utter much about why did the support was taken back but there are assumptions that the low adoption rate could be one of the reasons. Though there is no confirmation to this.
Even if some of your news articles are using the meta tags, it is fine as it will do no harm to you. Google will just ignore it as it does with other meta tags.
So, do not worry if you just added a meta news keyword tag. Remember to not add it the next time you put across your future articles.